BURY CC9068 App teaser trailer
A teaser for BURY CC9068 App product - an application that changes smartphones to a fully functional hands-free carkit.
Diagnostyka laboratory
A movie about taking blood samples.
Marcinkowo housing – animation
An idyllic animation showing charms of a newly built housing in Marcinkowo.
Locomotive at Gare d’Orsay railway station
A short movie presenting Gallery d'Orsay in Paris, which old function of a railway station was restored.
Cracow’s All Saint’s Church and Square history
A presentation showing the history of All Saint's Church and Square in Cracow, prepared to commemorate the 650th anniversary of Cracow's great charter.
Amelin housing – animation
An animation showing a projected housing called "Amelin" in Konstancin.
House presentation
An animation showing an Irish house.
CTM’s virtual gallery
A movie showing functionality of an internet virtual gallery.